The Home for Mell Eight's Original Fiction
Mell Eight is an author of LGBTQIA original fiction, primarily M/M.
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Out Now:The Prince
January 14, 2025 The Chef
August 27, 2023 Coming Soon:
More Information Coming Soon Submitted Projects:
Current Projects:
I have been working with Nine Star Press since August 2019.
I worked with Less Than Three Press from December 2011 to July 2019.
Supernatural Consultant Volume One received this award.
Ground of Insurrection was Nominated
Hadash Aviv was Nominated
2025 is off to a really good start! If you read my last post, there were a couple of tidbits tucked inside about various things going on in my writing life that are now starting to come to fruition. Number one was The Prince is completely ready for its release on January 14th! You can preorder from NSP and get your copy tomorrow, or preorder from Amazon (or most other retailers) and get your copy on the 14th. I am so excited for release day, because I really do think you'll enjoy Braxton and Clament's story! A lot more magic, a good bit of intrigue, and a fun romance to top it off! The ARC reviews have been excellent, so I'm definitely looking forward to what you guys think too. I also snuck a line in my last post about how I completed the final edit of The Spy, the third book in my Princes of Toval trilogy, and submitted it to NSP for consideration. Yesterday morning, NSP broke some land speed records and accepted the story for publication! This is the fastest I've ever received a contract from any publisher. There are reasons for this, reasons I cannot talk about just yet. Instead, I will continue to foreshadow and hope I've piqued your interest so you'll be as excited as I am when I can finally tell you about it! Either way, The Spy should be available for purchase sometime in 2025. I'll let you know when the editing process with my editor begins! I have decided Divine Judgement has been percolating long enough and pulled it out of hibernation to begin a final edit before submission. I am about 40 pages in and loving every second of this. I keep having moments of "wow, I wrote that? Nice!" This story of Gods and found family really turned out exactly like I hoped. It's only a little over 40k words long, right in my personal Goldilocks range, so hopefully I'll have it ready to go in a week or so. I'm taking my time with Divine Judgement because I just pushed really hard to get The Spy done and submitted quickly (breaking my own land speed record for final edits, Lol) and I don't want to get burned out. I also want to give myself plenty of time to get some writing done, since I set aside my current projects while I was powering through The Spy. I've made good progress in Age of Dragons. All the important pieces are in play now, but I'm at the point in the story where the setup plot is done and I need to dive into the main story line...and I don't really know what that is just yet. I need to take some time to brainstorm, figure out the real villain (rather than the small antagonists I have so far), and start weaving all the pieces I've created together into a proper plot. I get stuck at this point a lot when I'm writing, unfortunately. Codified has been stuck at this exact point for years, and The Oracle's Current spent far too long stuck before inspiration finally struck and I was able to complete that series. I am very hopeful Age of Dragons will not suffer the same fate, but only the intervention of the muses will get me there. In the meantime, Cantrip has the exact opposite problem. Since it's in a fairy tale style, I already know the basic layout. It's loosely based on Sleeping Beauty, with a couple other tales added too, which means the only hard part is adding my personal spin on it. The story is basically writing itself, but I haven't had much time lately to work on it. The question I have is what to do with the story once it's complete. If it's over 30k words long, I'll submit it to NSP for consideration. If it's under 30k words, I might hold onto it to include in my next fairy tale anthology (something I'm hoping to complete in 2025). The other story I'm actively writing right now is Changeling's Curse, a book set in my Out of Underhill universe. This is another story where I already know the entire plot and just need to find the time to actually write it. The difficulty is with the amount of research the story requires. Despite already writing two books on the fae, I am not too familiar with their lore (especially in comparison to everything I know about dragons). I want to ensure I get it as correct as possible within the framework of a paranormal fantasy book, which requires copious amounts of time on the Google, reading and crosschecking sources. That can get tedious at times, so I get distracted and start working on other things, but I should start making real progress with writing this story really soon! 1/4/25
I cannot believe it's already 2025! All week at work I had to keep reminding myself it was already January, because for some reason my mind is convinced it's still November! Lol It's amazing how time can get away from you like that. I think 2024 was a fairly successful year for me. It wasn't my most prolific year, but I think I held my own. Here's how I did: I released three brand new books:
I also had a couple books come out in print for the first time:
I wrote a ton as well. The Prince, the second book in my Princes of Toval series is completely ready for release in a little over a week! I also wrote and completed The Spy, the third and final book in the series. (I submitted The Spy to NSP for consideration today. I hope they like it!) I also wrote and completed Divine Judgement, another stand alone short story with gods and lots of fun drama. I definitely also got a lot of writing done for a bunch of other stories too! On the personal front, I would also consider 2024 successful. I took a trip to Japan and South Korea this past April which was phenomenal. I highly recommend it! I became an aunt for the first time (although that was all my sister's doing. Lol), and my other sister got married. At work I got a huge promotion and a fancy award. All in all, I can't really complain. I expect things will continue to be successful in 2025! Like I said earlier, The Prince comes out January 14th, so really, really soon! That's the first big thing in 2025 that I'm looking forward too. I am also hopeful NSP will accept The Spy, which should also be released in 2025. Sometime this month I'll pull out Divine Judgement to give it a final edit and format for submission as well. There's so much writing to do in 2025 as well. I've been making good progress in Age of Dragons and Cantrip, two stand alone stories. Age of Dragons is a paranormal, dungeon-style story while Cantrip is a fairy tail-style. I definitely think I'll be able to complete them both this year. I am also hoping to work on some more of my languishing books to try whittling down my to-do list. There's also a surprise coming, but I can't talk about it just yet so please stay tuned! On the personal front, I'm traveling again in 2025. This time I'm doing a massive trip to England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. I'm going to meet Nessie (Loch Ness), explore castles, see Stonehenge, and hopefully learn a ton about the local folklore. Since I'm working on writing a third book in my Out of Underhill series right now, (tentatively called Changeling's Curse) learning more about the fae in the land where their lore originated is incredibly exciting to me! I really think 2025 is going to be a good year, and I hope everyone reading this has something wonderful planned to look forward to as well! Happy New Year everyone! |